Financing: EIB
Duration: Jan. - Sept. 2006

Aqua Pro, as a subcontractor of Hydra-Setec, has been invited to prepare a national tariff study for the Syrian Water Sector

The Ministry of Housing and Construction (MHC) and the State Planning Commission (SPC) intends to restructure the water sector in Syria.
The European Investment Bank supported the restructuring process through financing a key element in the reform, namely the subject tariff study.

Objective and Scope of Work
The overall objective of the study is to submit proposals to the Syrian Government for a modification of the present tariff system to ensure the sustainability of water supply and sanitation services for the entire target group through gradually improving cost recovery of operation and maintenance cost.
The specific objectives of the assignment are summarised as following:

  • To review and summarize findings from existing studies on performance, cost and revenue analysis of the different water and wastewater establishments.
  • To develop alternative options for a gradual improvement of cost recovery (short term tariff study),
  • To identify major elements of a medium term study
    The Consultant services shall cover the following tasks:
  • Assess the present legal and regulatory framework for water and wastewater tariffs, the enforcement of tariffs and the financial flows financing the sector;
  • Estimate the range and regional variance of justified operation and preventive maintenance cost of water and wastewater services including the foreseen upgrading and extension of services;
  • Assess the affordability of quality water and wastewater services for the population and their willingness to pay for different level of services;
  • Assess different options on how to allocate subsidies in an efficient and effective way, in order to secure access to the supply systems and/or to a minimum water quantity for lower-income people;
  • Assess different options for separate tariff systems for water and wastewater and for different consumer types;
  • Identify the elements of the actual operation and maintenance costs in the different Governorates and the EIB project area.