Project: Consultancy Services for Final Measures Project Implementation Diyarbakir Sewerage Project - Sewer Operation Services
Financing: KfW
Duration: May 2005 - September 2007

Sewer operation is one of the most challenging tasks for many towns in developing and transition economies. However, so far only very view towns implemented modern techniques to operate its sewer network effectifely and to meet the regulations for hygiene and safety.

Aquapro, as sub-contractor of CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH, is supporting DIYARBAKIR WATER and SEWERAGE ADMINISTRATION (DISKI) in impoving sewer operation for Diyarbakir metropolitan area, a fast growing town with more than 900.000 inhabitants in south-east of Turkey. The project component started in April 2006 and will end in September 2007.

The scope of services comprises the following main components:

  • Development and Operation of a Sewer Information System,
  • Development and Implementation of time schedules and working routines for regular inspections, cleaning and minor repair works for sewers, manholes and gullies,
  • Development and introduction of personal hygiene measures and operational health and safety procedures,
  • Development and introduction of an overall Human Resources development concept and training measures for the staff of the Department,
  • Specification, tendering and procurement of equipment for sewer operation, maintenance and repair.